Month: May 2018

How to Use Your Greatest Asset to Get What You Want

How to Use Your Greatest Asset to Get What You Want

by on May 9, 2018

In the acting world, you have Broadway. In baseball, you have the major leagues. In the world of new car sales, you have the Mercedes Benz dealership. It’s understood that if you sell cars, a proven prior track record with a lesser brand is required before stepping up to the Mercedes level. This isn’t a mystery….

How to Move from Excuses to Excellence

How to Move from Excuses to Excellence

by on May 2, 2018

Do your results at the shop depend on external events? As I ponder this question, I’m reminded of a story I shared in a previous post about this single father with two young sons. The father was laid off from his job and struggling to make ends meet. After several months of unemployment, he became…