
estimate scrubber spec sheet

About ATI’s Estimate Scrubber

The ATI Estimate Scrubber is an essential resource for collision shop owners participating in ATI’s program. This powerful tool enhances the accuracy of your estimation process, ensures compliance, and boosts profitability. With its advanced features, …
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ati superconference attendees donate to Unbridled Horse Therapy charity .

ATI SuperConference Attendees Donate $65,880 to Therapeutic Riding Charity, Unbridled Horse Therapy

SuperConference 2024 attendees raised $65,880 for the Texas-based charity, Unbridled Horse Therapy, an organization that provides therapeutic horseback riding to those with special needs.   “We are truly honored to have been chosen as the …
more about ATI SuperConference Attendees Donate $65,880 to Therapeutic Riding Charity, Unbridled Horse Therapy

ATI Joins 2024 Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference as a Presenting Sponsor

Ratchet+Wrench announced Automotive Training Institute as a presenting sponsor at the 2024 Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference. The Automotive Training Institute offers industry-leading coaching services for automotive shops. The Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference is an owner-focused event that brings top …
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