Month: July 2019

How to Put More Profit in Your Pocket

How to Put More Profit in Your Pocket

by on July 31, 2019

“How do I put more profit in my pocket?” asked “Jason,” a shop owner who heard about our upcoming webinar on the topic. I responded as follows: “Jason, you’re averaging a 32% parts margin over the last four weeks, so using the parts matrix would be helpful.” To which he replied, “Yeah, but it’s a…

What’s the Biggest Threat to Your Progress?

What’s the Biggest Threat to Your Progress?

by on July 16, 2019

Join me as we journey through a typical morning in my life. I make my first call to a new client named “Richard.” I notice he’s had the same labor rate for the past three years. “Richard, it’s time to increase your labor rate,” I suggest. “I can’t do that, coach. My customers are on…

The Easy Way to Hire Your Next Employee

The Easy Way to Hire Your Next Employee

by on July 2, 2019

“Harry” is a hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company. One fateful morning, he’s driving into the crowded company parking lot to begin his day of scheduled interviews. After several minutes of circling, he finally locates a space and pulls in. He doesn’t notice “Bruce,” sitting in a brown Buick, waiting for the same spot! “Hey, Jerk!”…