Auto Shop Coaching Blog

7 Tips to Become a Powerhouse in Life and Work

I was fondly remembering tips my grandfather shared with me when I took my first job and thought I would share them with everyone. He was a great businessman, head of a wonderful family, and deeply respected by me as a mentor in how to live a purposeful life and be successful.

7 Tips to Become a Powerhouse in Life

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  1. Choose your attitude in advance of everything — keep it under your control always.
  2. Visualize your success — concentrate and be specific.
  3. Demonstrate humor, energy, and enthusiasm daily. Create magic in what you do.
  4. Resist negative influences and influencers.
  5. Be a WIT person (Whatever It Takes)
  6. Embrace change — expect it — accept it.
  7. Be grateful for what you have, always.

Self-Reflect and Improve

These 7 tips can assist us all in being better people, family members, friends, workers, and leaders. I encourage everyone to reflect on these tips and do a self-check on where you feel you are on a scale of 1 – 10 for each tip. All of us can work toward improving our scores, wherever we fall, to improve our results every day, week, and year. Remember to enjoy the journey.

Go the Extra Mile

In addition, these tips will create a work environment of respect, collaboration, and creative thinking both internally and externally. One way ATI is constantly creating a healthy work environment is by implementing weekly fundamentals. We share them both internally and externally.

ATI Fundamental #6 states to Go the Extra Mile — Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the job…plus a little bit more. Whether it’s starting early, staying late, or doing something that’s not in your job description, it’s the extra mile that separates the average person from the superstar. Be a superstar.

Non-ATI Members: Learn how leadership development, training, and coaching will assist you on your journey as an owner, manager, and leader. Join one of our shop owner events to get started.

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LeAnne is an Executive Coach at ATI and has been coaching since 2003. LeAnne loves assisting others in the achievement of their personal and business goals. She helps people find the goals and dreams they really what and aids in structuring and implementing a plan to achieve those goals and dreams.