How to Get the Results You Planned For

How to Get the Results You Planned For

by on May 23, 2018

Are you getting the results you planned for? I thought about this last week as I embarked on my morning run. One of the specific running results that I planned for was to run two miles in under an eight-minute per mile pace. I even watched a running instruction video to learn the correct posture.

While running the following morning, I applied the newly learned posture as I looked at my smartphone to monitor my pace. I ran a nine-minute mile.

Later that evening, I listened to an exercise audio podcast that discussed the correct breathing method to apply while running. The next morning, I ran with the correct posture along with the new breathing method.

I watched the time on my phone during the entire run while listening to my Rocky music. I felt driven and determined! My drive and determination resulted in a disappointing nine-minute and fifteen-second mile.

On day three, I decided that I would only focus on running with the right posture and breathing, without looking at the average mile pace on my phone. The audio on my running app was set for a two-mile run.

Once I heard the announcement that my run was over, I looked down at the time, and you’ll never guess what I saw on my phone. I ran a seven-minute fifty-three-second mile!

Here’s the big takeaway: The key to getting the results you planned for is to place more focus on the process than on the outcome.

There are two aspects of the process that will allow you to get the results you planned for. Keep reading to learn what they are.


Initially, during my morning run, I wasn’t getting the results I planned for. My results didn’t change until I changed my approach.

Back in January, you set goals for 2018. Your run is almost halfway over, are you getting the results you planned for?

To get what you want at the shop, you must be fixed on your purpose while remaining flexible on the path.

For example, it’s good to stay fixed on your purpose of hiring a technician. However, if your plan of “just hoping for the best” hasn’t produced results, it’s time to embrace a new strategy.

It’s good to stay fixed on your purpose of growing your car count. However, if posting your ad in the yellow pages book isn’t working for you, then consider changing your approach.

It’s good to stay fixed on your purpose of increasing gross profit. However, if you’ve had the same labor rate since 2008, you may need a new plan.

Take a look at the goals you set back in January. If you’re on track to achieve them, then congratulations!

If not, then ask yourself the following question: What can I do differently to experience a different outcome? Asking this question will help you to stay flexible on the path.


There is a famous story told about a chicken and a pig. One day the chicken had an “entrepreneurial seizure” and decided that the two should start their own restaurant.

“Great idea,” says the pig. “What shall we name our restaurant?” To which the chicken replies “Ham and Eggs!” The pig’s response is classic: “No way! As the pig, I’d be committed, while you’d only be involved!”

When it comes to your 2018 goals, are you committed or involved? The following scenarios will help you decide:

  1. You may only be involved, if you set a goal for a specific Average Repair Order result, but aren’t conducting daily repair order audits to inspect what you expect.
  2. You may only be involved, if you set a specific car count improvement goal, but are unwilling to embrace the exit appointment process.
  3. You may only be involved, if you set a goal to become a Top Shop, but can’t find the time to attend your 20 Group meetings.

There’s a battle brewing between what you want and what you have to do to get it. If you stay committed to the process, you can take possession of the prize.


So, there you have it. If you remain flexible and stay committed, you can get the results you planned for.

When it comes to your success, I’m more committed than a pig at the grand opening of a Ham & Eggs restaurant!

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