Auto Shop Coaching Blog

Ready-Aim-Hire! 3 Sure-Fire Tips for Getting the Best Techs

In my last blog, I shared the Top 5 Reasons You’re Losing the War to find (and keep) talented automotive technicians. This week we will look at how to get top talent walking in your shop doors and asking to work for you.

As we discussed last week, the automotive technician shortage in the U.S. is going to take time, even decades, to fix. What can you do to get great mechanics to work for you and stay with your auto repair shop long-term?

Here are 3 tips for making that happen:

1. Be the Best (and most profitable) Shop in Town

Do you price labor based on your competition? Are parts sold based on your vendor’s list price? Trying to undercut every other auto shop in town doesn’t make you the shop a great technician wants to work for. Why? Pricing policies like that mean you can’t pay what great techs deserve. And chances are your shop is full of old equipment with no resources for newer, more efficient technology. To get great automotive technicians you must provide everything they need (and want) to do a great job for your customers.

2. Have a Wow Factor

Even a humble applicant wants to know “what’s in it for me?” Your answer to that question must be more than pay related. Along with providing the best technology for them to work with, what else do you offer? Weekends off? Flexible work schedule? A path for advancement (written out)? Recognition and incentives for new ideas and reaching goals? What is the WOW factor of working at your auto repair shop? Go big…

Find the right techAre you actively hiring and interviewing? Make the right choice with ATI’s Behavioral Interview Questions:

3. Go After Them!

You put out an ad for an automotive technician… then what? Wait for the floodgates to open with hundreds of applicants? Hope and pray at least one willing, warm body answers the ad? How about buying lunch for your tool truck rep? Sit and have a chat about technicians who have a great reputation in your area. Anyone seem unhappy in their current situation? Are you willing to pay another shop to work on your car to check a tech out? Great technicians have a job and aren’t looking at job sites unless there are other factors involved. Can you offer them a WOW to come work for you?

BONUS TIP #4 – Grow Your Own Great Automotive Technicians

We touched on this one in last week’s blog. If you have been relying on hiring only experienced, ASE-certified technicians it’s time to shift your thinking. There are not enough technicians to go around. Your best options? Become involved in your local automotive tech school and pick 1-2 students to take under your wing as an apprentice technician. Create a training plan; show them how you will get them from a Tire & Lube technician to a Master Technician within a realistic time frame. Invest in their skill development. You’ll not only get a great tech out of it – you’ll get a loyal and passionate employee!

These tips aren’t rocket science – but they aren’t always easy to put in place. At ATI, we help shop owners like you get the highest potential out of your business. We drive profits and dreams home for our members. The best way to get started is to find an ATI shop owner event

Are you actively hiring and interviewing? Make the right choice for your shop by asking good interview questions. Get ATI’s Behavioral Interview Questions:   

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Charlene is an Executive Coach at ATI, a Certified Profit First Professional, a former shop owner, and has been coaching since 2014. Charlene helps clients find the right solutions to their challenges and encourages them to make the changes that result in having the life they dreamed about when they got into business ownership.