How Sharing Your Vision Targets Results

How Sharing Your Vision Targets Results

by on June 29, 2022

Knowing which targets and goals you want to aim for and what results you want to achieve are a must in business and life. Think about targets in sports. In basketball, there’s a hoop; in golf, there’s a cup; in football, there’s an endzone; and in hockey, there’s the net. In these sports, there’s a target to aim for, and you must have a strategy to make it happen. What’s the target in your auto repair shop?

Create and Share

Create a target and share it with your team. Let your technicians know what they are working toward and assist them in how to get there every day. You can’t hit or find what you don’t see or understand. The process is simple — discuss goals, objectives, and targets with every member of your team. Measure daily, weekly, and monthly, then share the results with the team in group meetings and in 1 on 1 coaching sessions with each team member.

Understand Why It’s important

Hard work keeps everyone’s eyes on the goal and strives toward a plan to produce the desired results. Over the weekend, I received a murder mystery puzzle as a gift. It made me think about the very powerful strategy of having a shared vision with goals, objectives, and targets. I love to work on puzzles. This one was very different because you are not allowed to see the puzzle picture prior to putting the puzzle together. Wow is that hard to do! Even the borders are difficult. It took a lot more time to fit all the pieces together. I was in the dark as to what it would look like when it was completed. It was very frustrating at times.

Imagine the same situation in your shop. If your team is not aware of what the vision, goals, and targets are, how can they strive to accomplish them? They are also working blindly for a result that they may have never seen or experienced before. Include them and share a detailed picture of your vision, goals, and targets. Then, they can assist you in achieving the results you want much more easily.

Engage the Whole Team

Track, measure, and communicate progress and results, daily, weekly, and monthly. Coach up and support your team and you will have a better chance of hitting your goals, objectives, and targets. Onward into the future together as a team is more effective than moving blindly into the abyss. Shared communication of your vision is key. You got this!

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