There is a very long list of items an automotive repair shop includes in the category of shop supplies. For example, Acetylene, Protective Materials, Gasket Materials, Bench Lubricants, Special Adhesive, Chassis Grease, Gasket Sealer Comp., Gloves, Bearing Grease, Wheel Weights, Drill Bits, Sandpaper, Welding Rods, Minor Hardware (bolts, washers, etc.), Lubricant Paste, Wiping Cloths, Glass…
During a recent trip to Dallas, Texas, I was a hot coach. I touched down at 10am and it was already 95 degrees! My first order of business was to get to my room to cool down. Upon arrival, I sadly discovered that the AC was off! I turned it on and set the thermostat to…
Being an ATI coach, I hear this phrase a lot from my shop owners: “I just don’t have time.” It stems from trying to maintain an ownership/life balance combined with issues that haven’t been 100% resolved. With the “Great Staffing Shortage of 2021,” the desperation is compounded with the inability to fill position vacancies that…
Did you go into business planning to build a multi-million dollar “product” you could sell? When it comes to auto repair, this is rarely the case. Most of the shop owners I work with started their shop as technicians with a desire to do a better job than the guy they worked for. Often, they…
COVID has reshaped the way we interact with one another to such a degree that new ways to interact have become key to our success in starting, keeping, building, and expanding relationships with your workforce. In this challenging environment, it has become very hard to find the associates you are looking for to complete your…
“Hey, can you change the channel?” Some of us have asked this question at one point in time or another or may have been the one who was asked. In either circumstance, we’re well versed in the wonderful feeling or plight of holding or not holding the remote control. One person in this scenario possesses the…
Day in and day out we all have goals and objectives to meet in our professional lives. Mornings can begin with feeling miserable going to work and dread that stays with you the entire day. Or mornings can be the opposite: starting with anticipation and desire to attack the challenges of the workday with gusto—a…
John and Sue are busier than ever! Their parking lot is packed; their techs have one car after the other in their bays. The phone is ringing off the hook—being an auto repair shop owner is looking great! But wait—Sue goes to pay the parts bills and there’s barely enough in the account to cover…
If your reaction to this question is, “Of course, I’m striving to be the best,” let’s do a quick reality check to see if this is true. As a result of Covid-19 last year, a lot of us were scrambling to invent new marketing processes to keep cars coming in, to make sure we were…
Imagine for a moment that you’re a NASA astronaut. Just being selected makes you a success, considering they only pick one person for every six hundred applications received. The years of study, service, and sacrifice have finally paid off, and now it’s time for your mission. You strap into your seat, adjust your gauges, and…