Coaches Blog

The Easy Way to Hire Your Next Employee

The Easy Way to Hire Your Next Employee

by on July 2, 2019

“Harry” is a hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company. One fateful morning, he’s driving into the crowded company parking lot to begin his day of scheduled interviews. After several minutes of circling, he finally locates a space and pulls in. He doesn’t notice “Bruce,” sitting in a brown Buick, waiting for the same spot! “Hey, Jerk!”…

How to Gain an Unfair Advantage in Your Area

How to Gain an Unfair Advantage in Your Area

by on June 5, 2019

How do they do it? I asked this question several years ago, as a new member of my local Toastmasters International club. The meetings were held every Tuesday, and the room was always packed with aspiring speakers. At the district conventions, the leaders of the other clubs complained about member count being down in the…

Three Steps to Build a Leading Brand

Three Steps to Build a Leading Brand

by on May 29, 2019

It’s late in the evening and you’re out of town, driving without your GPS device. You don’t know where you are, you don’t know where you’re going, but you do know that you’re hungry! Up ahead, you see the next exit has fast food options so you turn off and go down that road. You…