Coaches Blog

How To Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

How To Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

by on November 14, 2018

How do you break through a limiting belief about yourself?  Reflecting on this question, reminded me of a story I read in John Maxwell’s book, The Five Levels of Leadership. Maxwell writes about of a young lawyer named Herb, who was new to the legal profession.  In an effort to get up to speed, Herb studied two experienced attorneys to…

The Inside Secret To Finding Fulfillment

The Inside Secret To Finding Fulfillment

by on November 7, 2018

You just had ten forklift drivers respond to your State Inspectors ad. Your $$3,000 Google  Adwords campaign only generated a $30 oil change. Your new “A” Technician that started on Monday still hasn’t come back from his lunch break. Each of these scenarios has one thing common. They leave you feeling frustrated. This is problematic because it’s impossible to feel…

The Best Kept Secret To Increasing Your Car Count

The Best Kept Secret To Increasing Your Car Count

by on October 17, 2018

Are you frustrated by the decrease in car count that came with your increase in Google AdWords? Does it feel like you’re flushing money down the drain with each marketing campaign? In his book titled, Sticky Church, Larry Osborne communicates a similar frustration. Osborne is a church pastor who struggled to grow his membership. Back in 1980,…

How to Become an Irrelevant Shop

How to Become an Irrelevant Shop

by on September 12, 2018

Now that I have your attention, imagine that you’ve just landed in an unfamiliar town where you don’t know anyone, and you lack access to a rental car. To make matters worse, your hotel doesn’t offer a shuttle to pick you up. What would you do? Catch a bus? Catch a train? Hitch a ride?…

Overcoming Your Biggest Obstacle to Success at the Shop

Overcoming Your Biggest Obstacle to Success at the Shop

by on August 22, 2018

What’s the biggest barrier that’s blocking your path to success? As I ponder this question, I’m reminded of a story shared by author Ryan Holiday. In his book The Obstacle is The Way, Holiday shares the story about a King from the ancient times, who conducted an interesting experiment with his subjects. The king purposely…

How to Bridge the Celebrity Gap at Your Shop

How to Bridge the Celebrity Gap at Your Shop

by on August 8, 2018

Do you have a celebrity gap at your shop? “Dan,” a shop owner from the Midwest, has one. A few weeks back on a 100-degree afternoon, a customer named “Sarah” arrived at his location with the following request, “I just blew my right front tire, and I don’t have any cash on me. Can someone help me…