Coaches Blog

How to Quickly Improve Your Shop’s Online Presence

How to Quickly Improve Your Shop’s Online Presence

by on May 11, 2022

“Look, ma! I’m interneting!” Plenty of marketing companies can help improve your shop’s online presence. We all know why they would solicit us, but why would we reach out to them? Maybe you feel you’re not the best person to step into the digital world, too far behind in other realms of the business, or…

Moving From Good to Great!

Moving From Good to Great!

by on May 4, 2022

In a book by James C. Collins called Good to Great, Collins discusses the concept of The Stockdale Paradox, which is based on the experience of James Stockdale, a high-ranking naval officer who was held captive as a prisoner of war for seven years during the Vietnam war. He was tortured repeatedly and had no rational reason…

The Leadership Triad

The Leadership Triad

by on April 27, 2022

Spring 2022 is filled with excitement for everyone. COVID advancements are being made, restrictions are lowering, social interactions are returning, and taxes are done! Whew! Aren’t you ready for warmer weather and the bustling of people shopping and venturing out onto the roads again? Spring is also a great time to maintain the personal responsibility of…

How To Ask for the Sale Without Feeling Like a Jerk

How To Ask for the Sale Without Feeling Like a Jerk

by on April 20, 2022

Does asking for the sale make you feel like a jerk? This is exactly how “Kim” felt. Kim was a service manager in a shop located in the Midwest who prided herself on her ability to profile her patrons to determine who would buy and who wouldn’t. She believed that presenting a high-dollar estimate to…

What’s In It For Me?

What’s In It For Me?

by on April 13, 2022

You probably interpreted this question as coming from an employee, but I will change the viewpoint to represent the business owner. This perspective is not uncommon when we consider the stress, anxiety, and final straws that broke the proverbial camel’s back. But just like any situation that gets the better of us, there were warning…

Listening—Your Power Skill to Master

Listening—Your Power Skill to Master

by on March 30, 2022

Being an exceptional listener is one of the most powerful skills to master, and it’s necessary to create a successful and engaging business for everyone involved. Excellent listening skills allow a team to work together to deliver exceptional service to customers and at the same time develop a tight-knit group. In addition, mastering the art of listening…

3 Things Top Shop Owners Focus On

3 Things Top Shop Owners Focus On

by on March 22, 2022

I recently searched online for “Washington Commanders” football jerseys to purchase. As you prepare your jokes, please know that my choice of football teams is a different topic for a different blog, so let’s stay focused! Now, after I completed my online search, I noticed something weird. Whenever I logged onto my Facebook page, I would…