Category: Hiring / Employee Retention

The Easy Way to Hire Your Next Employee

The Easy Way to Hire Your Next Employee

by on July 2, 2019

“Harry” is a hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company. One fateful morning, he’s driving into the crowded company parking lot to begin his day of scheduled interviews. After several minutes of circling, he finally locates a space and pulls in. He doesn’t notice “Bruce,” sitting in a brown Buick, waiting for the same spot! “Hey, Jerk!”…

How to Hire the Right Technician for Your Shop

How to Hire the Right Technician for Your Shop

by on February 27, 2019

When it comes to automotive education, “Bill” has more degrees than a thermometer! He’s a master certified ASE technician. He also has certifications from Ford and Subaru. If you were to survey the tool truck drivers and ask them to name the most productive technician in town, they wouldn’t have to phone a friend or use a lifeline! They would…

Overcoming Your Biggest Obstacle to Success at the Shop

Overcoming Your Biggest Obstacle to Success at the Shop

by on August 22, 2018

What’s the biggest barrier that’s blocking your path to success? As I ponder this question, I’m reminded of a story shared by author Ryan Holiday. In his book The Obstacle is The Way, Holiday shares the story about a King from the ancient times, who conducted an interesting experiment with his subjects. The king purposely…