Category: Operations / Time Management

The Hidden Secret of Employee Motivation

The Hidden Secret of Employee Motivation

by on January 29, 2020

Meet “Ben.” Ben is a shop owner who made several attempts to motivate his manager, “Sarah,” to complete her goal poster. He initially mentioned this during their Monday morning one-on-one meeting. First, he told her that seeing her goals would increase the likelihood of achieving her goals. Using his Les Brown voice, he said, “Sarah,…

Are You Open for “Busyness?”

Are You Open for “Busyness?”

by on August 21, 2019

The story is told of a billionaire businessman with two sons. He met with them one day and told them his fortune would be left to the first son who could create a successful business! Success was defined as generating one million dollars in annual net profit. The oldest son, “Sam” went straight into activity…

What Are You Tolerating?

What Are You Tolerating?

by on August 14, 2019

Are you holding your people accountable? When I was a district manager for a national automotive chain back in 2001, I would have answered this question with a definite “YES!” After all, I always “preached” the right things. During team meetings, I preached about the habit of filling out a courtesy check for every customer. I preached…