Category: Hiring / Employee Retention

How You Say It Matters

How You Say It Matters

by on July 28, 2021

When communicating with your team, how a leader conveys intent matters! Communication is one of a leaders’ best skills to master when guiding a team toward success. It is a tool a leader uses every day when setting goals and expectations, coaching up performance, recognizing others, promoting change and progress, building relationships and teamwork, and…

Confidence Schmonfidence

Confidence Schmonfidence

by on July 7, 2021

Confidence. It comes from knowing our subject, not faltering in our ideologies, and standing our ground when confronted with a situation that questions our values. It seems like such a simple trait to have when it involves what is at stake—a successful business. But in an environment where we’re trying to maintain being profitable, which…

The Easy Way to Hire Your Replacement

The Easy Way to Hire Your Replacement

by on April 28, 2021

“Harry” is a hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company. One fateful morning, he’s driving into the crowded company parking lot to begin his day of scheduled interviews. After several minutes of circling, he finally locates a space and pulls in. He doesn’t notice “Bruce,” sitting in a brown Buick, waiting for the same spot! “Hey, Jerk!” Bruce yells. “Don’t…