Auto Shop Coaching Blog

How to Get the Right Things Done at Your Shop

“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.”Author Unknown

I’m with the “Twiggs Publishers Clearing House,” and I have a one-million-dollar prize just for you.

I will show up at your shop to present your winnings with my selfie stick in hand so we can take a photo with the symbolic, super-sized, check that has one million dollars written across the front.

(BTW, don’t try cashing it at the bank! The tellers no longer accept symbolic checks!) Are you interested?

Great! To claim the prize, you must take the following actions over the next ninety days:

  1. Conduct a daily repair order audit reviewing the previous days work orders and courtesy checks.
  2. Do a scheduled weekly one on one with your key employees. (Same day & same time each week)
  3. Show up ON TIME to your monthly 20 Group Zoom meeting.

Would you do it?

Well, Duh! Who wouldn’t?” is the most popular answer!

Even with the same number of “Gotta few minutes,” customer shuttle requests, and parts in need of pickup, you would “get ‘er done!” 

Your priorities would change even though your distractions remained the same.

Is It a Distraction or a Priority?

When your priorities are unclear, your distractions become your default actions.

This is why the Top Shop owners never say the following four words, “I don’t have time!” They recognize that there’s always time to do what you believe to be important.

Many shop owners say, “I don’t have time” when I mention doing RO audits, one-on-ones, meeting with their 20 Group, updating portal data, attending SuperConference, and other Top Shop success habits.

The Twiggs Translation for “I don’t have time” is as follows: “What you’re asking me to do isn’t a priority for me!”

If a million dollars were on the line, you would find a way to make time!

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Still, don’t believe that having time depends on your priorities? Well, think about your service advisor who tells you he doesn’t have time to do the follow-up calls.

That same individual makes the time to take his smoke breaks, no matter what’s going on at your shop!  The cold hard truth is that smoking is a priority for him, but your follow-up calls aren’t!

Are you like the “many shop owners” who find an excuse instead of a way? Keep reading to uncover what you can do to clarify your priorities and get the right things done at your shop.

Clarify Your Priorities

The ATI Fundamental #2 reminds us to Bring It Every Day!

The Top Shop Owners Bring It Every Day because they have a clear link between their priorities and their activities. 

The first step to clarifying your priorities is to ask yourself why you decided to become an entrepreneur and start your own shop.

Was it to become wealthy? Did you want to achieve independence from your previous boss?

Step two is to ask yourself why your first reason is important to you. The final step is to keep asking why until you hit an emotional nerve.

For example, let’s say your first reason for being a shop owner was to become wealthy. The reason you want to become wealthy is to provide for your family.

The reason you want to provide for your family is that you want your children to have opportunities that you didn’t have. The reason you want your children to have what you didn’t have is so they can provide for their children.

The reason you want your children to be able to provide for their children is your desire to create a legacy that continues beyond your years.

The thought of future generations looking to you as the one who started the cycle of prosperity would strike an emotional nerve.

Imagine your picture being front and center at your family reunions in the future. Someone you will never meet can have a better tomorrow because of your actions at the shop today.

You would be more likely to do the RO Audits, one on ones, 20 Group activities, and other Top Shop success habits, if these activities were linked to you creating a legacy for your family that outlives you.

Please keep in mind that this is only an example, and your ultimate reason may be different. I challenge you to keep asking yourself why until you get to the emotional root.


So, there you have it. I can’t make you an instant millionaire, but I can assure you that linking your priorities to your activities can help you get more of the right things done!

The super-sized check is in the mail!

At ATI, we focus on teaching and coaching shop owners on best practices to get the most out of your automotive repair business. Want to learn more? Find an ATI shop owner event near you.

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Eric, the Accountability Coach, is an Executive Coach at ATI and has coached since 2009. Eric came to ATI having managed over 60 different automotive repair facilities and having supervised over 500 employees at a given time. He loves seeing members progress beyond what they thought was possible and improve their shop to the point where they can leave for weeks at a time and come back to a business that's better than when they left.