Category: Leadership

How To Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

How To Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

by on November 14, 2018

How do you break through a limiting belief about yourself?  Reflecting on this question, reminded me of a story I read in John Maxwell’s book, The Five Levels of Leadership. Maxwell writes about of a young lawyer named Herb, who was new to the legal profession.  In an effort to get up to speed, Herb studied two experienced attorneys to…

How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake Shop Owners Make

How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake Shop Owners Make

by on April 4, 2018

“Joe” is a shop owner who works in instead of on his business. His business has him in bondage to the point that when he needs to consult with his ‘A’ tech, he doesn’t look out in the bays, he looks in the mirror! I suggested that he contact a certain “head-hunter” recruitment company that…

How to Become a World-Class Shop Owner

How to Become a World-Class Shop Owner

by on January 24, 2018

Are you a mediocre shop owner? What really separates the best owners in the world from everyone else? I came across some information from the world of Olympic figure skating that may help you answer these questions. In his book, Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else, Geoff Colvin outlines the…

How to Become a Fearless Shop Owner

How to Become a Fearless Shop Owner

by on January 17, 2018

“What did you fail at this week?” This question was posed to young “Sarah” by her father each night at the dinner table. So much so, that it became part of their dinnertime routine. If she had nothing to report, her dad was disappointed. When she told him about how she “bombed” while trying out…

Does Your Goal Have the Gulp Factor?

Does Your Goal Have the Gulp Factor?

by on June 7, 2017

If ATI were to give out an award at SuperConference for the Lowest Labor Rate in the Country, “Patrick” would have been the winner! Patrick was a member who I coached several years ago, who owns a shop in Central Pennsylvania, where he charged a $70.00 per hour labor rate. While his labor margins were…

Who’s Holding Your Ladder?

Who’s Holding Your Ladder?

by on January 11, 2017

My wife is the ultimate accountability coach. During the holidays, she was holding me accountable for the completion of several household projects. My first assignment was to change the light-bulb in the basement bathroom. Based on the size of the room, I could do this by myself using a three-foot ladder. My next task was to…