Category: Leadership

Confidence Schmonfidence

Confidence Schmonfidence

by on July 7, 2021

Confidence. It comes from knowing our subject, not faltering in our ideologies, and standing our ground when confronted with a situation that questions our values. It seems like such a simple trait to have when it involves what is at stake—a successful business. But in an environment where we’re trying to maintain being profitable, which…

The Fastest Way to Grow Your Net Worth

The Fastest Way to Grow Your Net Worth

by on May 25, 2021

Hard work doesn’t pay off. I know shop owners who work around the clock but still have low car count. They arrive early, stay late, but have a low retention rate. They work hard to fill their racks, but their customers don’t come back. These examples lead me to believe that hard work doesn’t pay off. Now,…

Move Your Business Forward in a World of Increasing Change!

Move Your Business Forward in a World of Increasing Change!

by on March 23, 2021

Change is a constant in our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and practices often change, affecting the way we perform both in our lives and our businesses. Leaders need tools to implement changes more smoothly and effectively and to have those changes be accepted and implemented by their teams. Leaders need to…

Are Your Goals SMART?

Are Your Goals SMART?

by on February 24, 2021

Are you interested in using the smart formula to create North Star budget goals for your business and associates? Well, sit back and take a moment to read about the smart formula for goal achievement. If you don’t know the direction you’re going, you will never get to where you want to be. Directionless is…

The Communication Secret of the Influential Leader

The Communication Secret of the Influential Leader

by on January 27, 2021

Jimmy Johnson was the head football coach of the Dallas Cowboys from 1989 through 1994. He had a reputation for being a no-nonsense disciplinarian who was tough on his players. Falling asleep during one of his meetings was considered a “career-limiting move.” Everyone knew this. Everyone, except for a backup linebacker named John Roper. During a…

The Inconvenient Truth About Your Shop

The Inconvenient Truth About Your Shop

by on December 16, 2020

“So, you expect all of us here today, to be able to charge these unrealistic prices?” This question was posed to the ATI instructor by “John” while he was in an ATI service advisors class. John is a service manager who has been writing service for over twenty years. He has been there, done that,…