Category: Operations / Time Management

3 Tips for Developing Mental Toughness as a Repair Shop Owner

3 Tips for Developing Mental Toughness as a Repair Shop Owner

by on March 6, 2024

As a repair shop owner, mental toughness is not just a desirable trait; it’s a necessity for navigating the challenges and demands of the business. Operating a repair shop requires the ability to withstand pressure, make tough decisions, and persist through setbacks. From managing employees and dealing with customer complaints to handling financial uncertainties, there…

The Top Five Reasons to Use Digital Vehicle Inspections

The Top Five Reasons to Use Digital Vehicle Inspections

by on October 28, 2022

Digital vehicle inspections (DVIs) are central to providing a 21st-century experience to your customers. Just as streaming revolutionized the entertainment industry, digital communication has drastically transformed all consumer service industries. Within auto repair, DVIs enable shops to upgrade their business to the next level. While shifting from paper to digital records can seem daunting in…