Category: Operations / Time Management

How To Get More Done With Less Effort

How To Get More Done With Less Effort

by on June 15, 2022

Charles Schwab was the Jeff Bezos of 1918. He was one of the richest men of his day, and the president of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, one of the largest producers of Steel during that time. Yet, despite being the “top shop” of his time, he felt something was missing in his business. He scheduled…

How To Get More Done With Less Effort

How To Get More Done With Less Effort

by on November 11, 2021

Charles Schwab was the Jeff Bezos of 1918. He was one of the richest men of his day, and the president of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, one of the largest producers of Steel during that time. Yet, despite being the “top shop” of his time, he felt something was missing in his business. He scheduled…

I Just Don’t Have Time

I Just Don’t Have Time

by on September 28, 2021

Being an ATI coach, I hear this phrase a lot from my shop owners: “I just don’t have time.” It stems from trying to maintain an ownership/life balance combined with issues that haven’t been 100% resolved. With the “Great Staffing Shortage of 2021,” the desperation is compounded with the inability to fill position vacancies that…

How to Get More Buy-In at Your Shop

How to Get More Buy-In at Your Shop

by on July 21, 2020

Think back on all your extended vacations. How many times did you take the rental car to the car wash? I conducted an official survey of a select group of leaders who have high attention to detail. I added their combined total of lifetime rental car washes and placed their numbers into my special spreadsheet. The total…

How to Regain Your Swagger at The Shop

How to Regain Your Swagger at The Shop

by on June 17, 2020

The year was 2012, and I was frustrated. I was frustrated by the fact that I couldn’t move “Jack.” Jack is a shop owner who was failing to achieve his profit goals. He and I would speak every week, but the results didn’t change. We improved his pricing, but never experienced the payoff. We implemented new processes but failed to see the performance. We…