Category: Sales / Marketing

The Extra Inch

The Extra Inch

by on May 7, 2020

I was recently thinking about what makes a baseball player great. I remembered sportscasters talking about the difference between a player with a .250 batting average compared to one batting .300. The typical major leaguer gets 12 at-bats per week. A .250 hitter gets a hit in 3 out of the 12 plate appearances (3…

A “Key” to Your Success

A “Key” to Your Success

by on April 28, 2020

As I reflect on the lyrics from the song “Already Gone,” I’m reminded of a retired dentist I read about named Jack who started a consulting business in the midwest. His clients blamed their declining sales on external factors like the area’s high unemployment rate and low median income. Jack had a unique business model…

5 Tips for a More Profitable Holiday Season

5 Tips for a More Profitable Holiday Season

by on November 15, 2019

For most auto repair shop owners, the holiday season is challenging. Car count dwindles as customers prioritize shopping and feasting over maintenance and repair services. Travelers tend to be impatient and our service advisor becomes the bearer of bad news when the vehicle they want to drive several hundred miles to visit family is proven…