Category: Self Improvement

The Secret to Becoming a Top Shop

The Secret to Becoming a Top Shop

by on December 15, 2021

Something happened a few weeks ago that knocked me out of my seat. I was speaking with a shop owner named “Rose” who was concerned about the performance of her shop. She was down in gross profit dollars for the month and suspected that her service manager “Nick” wasn’t fully engaged. Rose recommended that we…

What Is Your Money Thermostat Set For?

What Is Your Money Thermostat Set For?

by on October 5, 2021

During a recent trip to Dallas, Texas, I was a hot coach. I touched down at 10am and it was already 95 degrees! My first order of business was to get to my room to cool down. Upon arrival, I sadly discovered that the AC was off! I turned it on and set the thermostat to…

The Fastest Way to Grow Your Net Worth

The Fastest Way to Grow Your Net Worth

by on May 25, 2021

Hard work doesn’t pay off. I know shop owners who work around the clock but still have low car count. They arrive early, stay late, but have a low retention rate. They work hard to fill their racks, but their customers don’t come back. These examples lead me to believe that hard work doesn’t pay off. Now,…

The Communication Secret of the Influential Leader

The Communication Secret of the Influential Leader

by on January 27, 2021

Jimmy Johnson was the head football coach of the Dallas Cowboys from 1989 through 1994. He had a reputation for being a no-nonsense disciplinarian who was tough on his players. Falling asleep during one of his meetings was considered a “career-limiting move.” Everyone knew this. Everyone, except for a backup linebacker named John Roper. During a…

The Key to Making 2021 Your Best Year Ever

The Key to Making 2021 Your Best Year Ever

by on January 6, 2021

I went to the shopping mall during the holidays. My goal was to enter through the automatic doors at the main entrance. I conducted an experiment to see what I could do to get the doors to open for me. First, I sat in the parking lot, closed my eyes, and imagined the doors opening. It…

The Biggest Mistake Shop Owners Make

The Biggest Mistake Shop Owners Make

by on November 25, 2020

“Mike” is a shop owner who works in instead of on his business. His business has him in bondage to the point, that when he needs to speak with his ‘A’ tech, he doesn’t look out in the bays, he looks in the mirror! I suggested that he contact a certain “headhunter” recruitment company that sources, screens, and…