Category: Self Improvement

How to Thrive During a Pandemic

How to Thrive During a Pandemic

by on April 7, 2020

What if my health fails? What if the economy gets worse? What if this pandemic lasts longer than they say it will? Have you been asking these questions? As I ponder these inquiries, I’m reminded of a recent study known as The Legacy Project, conducted by Dr. Karl Pillemer at Cornell University. He surveyed over…

Embracing the Not Yet Mindset

Embracing the Not Yet Mindset

by on March 17, 2020

In their book Switch: How To Change things When Change is Hard, Chip & Dan Heath tell the story of Molly Howard, Principle of Jefferson County High school in Louisville Georgia. She inherited a school where 80% of the students lived in poverty, with only 15% of graduating seniors attending college. In other words, “her area…

The Secret to Avoiding Your Biggest Regret

The Secret to Avoiding Your Biggest Regret

by on March 4, 2020

What is your biggest regret as a shop owner? As I ponder this question, I’m reminded of an interview I watched with basketball legend Kobe Bryant. The reporter asked him if he regretted the fact that he fell short of winning six NBA championships like his idol Michael Jordan. After all, Kobe finished his career with “only”…

The Secret to Feeling Empowered

The Secret to Feeling Empowered

by on February 19, 2020

Do you spend more time looking out the window or in the mirror? When car count is climbing, the portal screen is green, and profit is in your pocket, the tendency is to look at yourself in the mirror. For example, if I were reading your mind, I would hear: “The technician I hired, the…

The Small Problem That Can Lower Your Pay

The Small Problem That Can Lower Your Pay

by on February 11, 2020

“Fred” is drinking the Kool-Aid, all in, and on-board, when it comes to implementing most of ATI’s suggestions. As an aspiring Top Shop Owner, he attends SuperConference, is active with his 20 group, and is current with his classes. He’s so convinced of the power of coaching that he turned the tables on” Chris,” his…

How to Achieve Consistent Success in 2020

How to Achieve Consistent Success in 2020

by on January 8, 2020

What’s the leading cause of consistently inconsistent results? One week your sales, car count, and ARO are above the benchmarks. Your portal data is as green as a well-manicured golf course! You don’t need more cars; you need to get the cars you have out the door. Your problems are “good problems.”  You don’t know…

50 Ways to Blame “Another”

50 Ways to Blame “Another”

by on December 18, 2019

“It’s not my fault, it’s the area,” said Matt, a service manager who worked for me back in 2001. “We can’t find good people because of the low unemployment rate and high median income.” This shop had a history of being understaffed on tire technicians and mechanics. Matt was the third manager in the last…

The Greatest Predictor of Shop Owner Failure

The Greatest Predictor of Shop Owner Failure

by on November 13, 2019

In 1991, a group of psychics joined forces to start The Psychic Friends Network. Singer Dionne Warwick was the host of this popular show that used infomercials to attract its customers. By 1994 the show had aired over 12,000 episodes and was generating $125 million per year! By 1998, the company had declared bankruptcy with…